Sunday, June 12, 2011

Congratulations Mavs! Deserving NBA Champions.

I am not going to bash Lechoke on this post; that will be on another day. I know he feels miserable as I write this; that is good enough. I just want to thank the Dallas Mavericks for delivering such an amazing team effort and winning the championship. Thank you Dirk, Terry, Kidd, Barea, Marion, Chandler, Stevenson and company for demonstrating that basketball is a TEAM sport. Thank you for showing us all that Resilience and Perseverence are virtues that pay off; that Shortcuts are never the answer.

Congratulations Mavericks! What an amazing season it was. You really deserve the championship.

365 more ring-less days. 8 years and counting.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Save us Saint Nowitzki!

Oh man, it has been a while since I updated this site. Days are not good for us Lebron haters, since "the douche" is only 2 games away from getting his ring. Indeed, these playoffs have been awful for me, both emotionally and financially. However, there is still hope - Dirk, save us.

Who better to stop the douche-lord than Dirk Nowitzki? Humble, Team Player, Leader, and LOYAL. Dirk could have left Dallas long time ago, using the excuse of not having great players around him. He didn't. He has played for Dallas his entire career, and will stay there until he delivers his fans and the city a championship. That is loyalty, something that Dallas' fans will always remember, and fans of other teams will always respect.

So, I pray for Dirk to win it for Dallas. He really deserves it. He already has proven he is better than Lebron James in clutch situations. He has scored 44 fourth-quarter points against only 8!, yes, 8! of Lebron. When is time for the last shot of the game, Dirk wants it and takes it; Lebron hides and passes...was he even playing on game 4? A fever-sick Nowitzki won the game. A healthy James was hiding behind Wade's shadow.

Let's go Mavs!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Keep Tweeting Douche

Ladies and gentlemen...I am back! It has been a month since I last updated this blog; there is a simple reason for this...NFL baby!!. Basketball is very boring when you have the NFL at its best. I wanted to post something after the Heat loss against Dallas, but then they beat the Lakers, I lost money to a Lebron-loving jackass, and did not feel like posting anything new...until now. I was in a good mood watching SportsCenter, following the Packers victory (yes, I am a Packers fan), when suddenly, I see this douchebag back in the news due his lowclass behavior. As you know, this is what the "Douche" tweeted a couple of days ago...

After this tweet, we can now expand Lebron's traits to not only being a douche, but now a liar, hater, blasphemous and vengeful unprofessional idiot. All from one tweet; lets explain.

1 - Liar: After the Cleveland game last December, he said he wished the best to his team, even if the fans did not like him...lie!

2 - Hater: His tweet demonstrates that he now hates his old team, even when there are people like old teamates and Cavalier workers who gave him nothing but love.

3 - Blasphemous - Using God to send a message of revenge.

4 - Vengeful - Even when he said he had moved on, he wishes bad to his old team.

5 - Unprofessional - What do Lebron James, Terrell Owens, and Chad Ochocinco have in common?...they all tweet about eveything when they should focus on winning championships. Be professional on focus on playing.

6 - Idiot...well, he is. He does idiotic things; therefore, he is an idiot.

Thanks for reading another one of my rants. I will be back soon, this guy doesn't learn!

Monday, November 29, 2010

And now, he blames the coach!!!

So, what's up with this guy now? When is he going to stop blaming everybody about his failures as a TEAM player?

Lately, I have been getting several emails from Lebron fans who do not like my blog. One of them even created a blog to bash me! I am ok with that, this blog is new and I am yet to promote it to the Cleveland community.

The most common question I get from these "Lebron Lovers" is...why do I think Lebron is a douchebag?

Why? Watch the video.

I don't know about you guys, but THAT is being a no-class douchebag. Forget about Erik Spoelstra being the Heat's coach. If it was ANYBODY, you do not do that to someone who is 2 feet smaller than you.

So, if they change the coach, and it doesn't work...I wonder who will he blame then. Maybe that the basket is too high, or that Miami is to humid. All I know is that we will see Lakers vs Celtics again in the finals.

Thanks for reading, remember, dont be a douche!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cleveland fans respond to the Douche!

Well done Cleveland! I personally would had cursed a little...I guess you are way classier than the Douche.

What Should I Do? by BP's president Tony Hayward

Tony Hayward, president of BP...what a douche. This douchebag fucked the Gulf, the other douche fucked Cleveland. Who is worse?

The Lebron James Technique

New technique to get out of trouble.